Website Evaluation


 Good website:

Hugh Fox:

The reason I find this site to be an example of good design is because of the following:

The site is well laid-out and it is easy to navigate around.

The images are clear and of a good quality. Clicking on an image brings up an enlargement. This is excellent especially on a photographer’s website.

The navigation bar is clear and concise. It is easy to find everything on the site, despite the placement being in the footer (an unusual choice, but not one which causes any difficulty.

All the links work and there is nothing distracting on the site.




Bad Website:

Studio 27:

The reason I find this site a bad example of design is because of the following:

Music plays on every page opened, even after turning off. Comes on again whenever a new page is reached. Music is really annoying, especially this music.

The page is tiny, all the images are tiny and it is all written in Flash, which is now fairly obsolete as it doesn’t run properly on many platforms.

None of the images is really big enough to see and they don’t grow on clicking/ This could have been achieved easily in flash and can be done without as well.

The navigation bar animation in my opinion is rather distracting.

The site looks dated and unprofessional, which is a shame as the company have a good reputation. As a site it doesn’t instill confidence. It is very basic and doesn’t appear to have been updated in a while.

The Myspace link works, (as do all the links) but the last entry on the MySpace page was 3 years ago, so that clearly hasn’t been updated in a while either.

Time for a redesign, so I’m choosing this as my redesign site.


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